대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱

It’s just a few people.」Well-kun’s voice, which answered my muttering, seemed proud. Just

from that voice, I know that I am proud of Mr. Sekant and miss him. Even me, who was

(listening) to the side, wanted to nod.While Mr. Sekant was out to intercept, the conversation

about Wergun, who was supposed to escort me instead, became lively. It was because he,

who said that he had hardly come out of Heaven and Earth, was interested in the surface

world, and I, like myself, was concerned about Mr. Sekant and Heaven and Earth, who had

never been talked about until this point.Wellgun begins to stay, and today is the 7th. Thanks

to secret chatter, my way of speaking was completely broken.“The people of Heaven and

Earth are fighting, after all, the people of the subterranean countryside?”「Yes, because they

are trying to increase the food of your world by leading the people of the earth to vice. In

order to prevent that, we also mix spears with them.”“I don’t know what it means to increase

food. Spirits come and go, so how do you become food?”“The spirits that visit several worlds

in the heavens and earth upon death are colored with memories from when they were alive,

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱

bondage, and so on. Untie them and return them to a new state. The fragments of thoughts

that fall at that time become the food of our world.”“Ah—you want to drop a lot of those

pieces, so you want to collect a lot of souls, right?””That’s right. We will always welcome the

soul that is Lee from the ground. If people living on earth are inclined to sin and evil as your

will, you have no right to stop it. However, the people of the subterranean countryside are

actively involved in the ground and try to lead them to vice. This is beyond the original

portion. So, we fight to stop them as well.”「Hee~… … That’s a big deal.””It’s not a big

deal, but it’s our role. Sekant-sama, especially the one who was able to come from the

forefront. In the past, I subdued and completed Nibalun, the first rank (Kaina) of the unde

rground army.”“The first class is a strong person?”“It is equivalent to the first event in the

heavenly border. In other words, it is the highest level of the military. Sekant-sama is

coming in the second phase, so it’s even worse.”“Wow… … It’s really amazing.”What can I

say, now (already), I only came out with such a bad brain. isn’t it dangerous Even a person

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱

of a higher rank will win… … .“Because Sekant-sama is the person who is very loyal to the

life of the sky―― the decision of the Council. I’m a kid, and I don’t know almost directly,

but that many harsh duties have been fulfilled in the past. We got through many fights

and showed many majors, but there is nothing to be proud of that on purpose. If you

are good next to people, you will be respected by many warriors in Heaven and Earth.”

According to Wellgun, Mr. Sekant seems to be a person who is heavily used even in

heaven and love. Although such a person has already been with me for nearly a

month… … Is it okay?I got over what I thought was strange, and as expected, I was a little

worried, but I noticed that the quarantine area that had been deployed in the garden was

disappearing, and I stopped talking about it. In the courtyard where the curtain of light

had disappeared, Sekant-san stood still for a moment. There doesn’t seem to be any v

isible wounds. The fight ended safely.“It’s good, there doesn’t seem to be any damage.”